Successful Growth Academy and Childcare
Successful Growth Academy and Childcare stands out because of its genuine and non-traditional approach to childcare. We implement personalized child care programs that effectively meet the specific needs of each individual child. We create a learning environment of immense possibilities for children ages infant to 12 years old, giving them all the chances to develop to their full potential and find success in life. Our school is a home that offers safety, care, and convenience to our kids, as well as their entire families.
We aim to partner with parents and together, provide kids with the necessary tools that pave their way towards a successful academic path. We believe that true and genuine learning is achieved when children are able to enjoy and have fun throughout their experiences, discovering more about themselves and of the world at their own pace, free from pressure and stress. Our unique and highly accredited curriculum is specially designed to accomplish this goal in the most effective and efficient ways. We’d like to invite you to schedule a tour of our grounds today! Call us at 484-463-8588 so we may offer you our assistance.